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Old 02-19-2024, 01:49 PM
Yoda Yoda is offline
Joh.n Spen.cer
Join Date: Oct 2015
Posts: 2,042

Originally Posted by Topnotchsy View Post
Wrote this years ago...

Casey at the Bat (circa 2007)

The word came out from Mudville
Where Mighty Casey played
A company had bought the team
A billion's what they paid

The team would stay in Mudville
They'd only change their name
On BACO Field in Mudville
The Juiced would play their games

The new emblem looks really cool
An "X" of two syringes
With a pocket to hold needles
For those injecting binges

Now Mighty Casey came to camp
Huge as he could be
Last season he weighed 2-1-5
He now weighed 3-0-3

The games began the home runs flew
Two teams won 99
And now there was just one game left
The pennant on the line

The outlook soon was looking bleak
With O'Reilly on the mound
A bases loaded triple
Brought three runs around

And although the Juiced would score
In the 7th on a fly
The fans began to worry
When the 8th inning went by

The top of the 9th went 1-2-3
Half an inning left to play
The score still sat at 3-1
Not much was left to say

The season looked like it was done
When Jackson took strike 3
And then Thompson followed suit
They could not hit McGee

But Martinez hit one in the gap
Took third without a slide
And when McGee beaned Stephens
The crowd, it almost died

Cuz strolling up there to the plate
As no one could deny
Was Casey Mighty Casey
With a glimmer in his eye

The pitcher wound and hurled the sphere
Like shot out from a gun
Casey looked and held his swing
The ump, he called strike one

Strike two the second one went by
The crowd groaned in alarm
Casey shook his head
And stuck a needle in his arm

The crowd now watches silently
As out there Casey stands
100 times he's hit it out
One more chance in his hands

And now the pitcher looks around
And now he takes the sign
And now he throws a bullet
Oh, the pitch looks mighty fine

Oh, somewhere in this favored land
The Sun is shining bright
The band is playing somewhere
And somewhere hearts are light

And somewhere men are laughing
About things that they've heard said
But there is no joy in Mudville
Mighty Casey has dropped dead
Jeff, loved it. You should send an autographed copy to Barry Bonds, and maybe Jose Consesco and Roger Clemens.
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