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Old 02-01-2024, 01:40 PM
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Cliff Bowman Cliff Bowman is offline
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Originally Posted by campyfan39 View Post
I think the most likely outcome is that it was stolen for the materials by some low lifes, probably for drugs.
The truck used in the crime was abandoned and has been recovered, I am assuming it was a stolen vehicle, the cops won’t say right now. The statue weighs 300 to 400 pounds. Bronze is currently going for $2.45 a pound for scrap. That’s a $750-$1000 payday for a small crew. There were at least three of them, I saw a surveillance video of two guys lifting the statue on to the bed of the truck while someone was backing up the truck. It sounds to me like this was a hit by a crew who didn’t think things all the way through and ditched what was left of their attempts to melt and smash the statue when they realized the uproar over the statue. If I turn out to be wrong I will be the first to admit I have my head in the sand. I wonder how many posters here will do the same if they turn out to be wrong.
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