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Old 01-20-2024, 06:37 AM
gunboat82 gunboat82 is offline
Mike Henry
Join Date: Apr 2023
Location: Massachusetts
Posts: 194

We're not going to see eye to eye here, so I'll just respond to your direct points and move on.

Originally Posted by Snowman View Post
There's nothing to conceal though lol. This is 100% allowed. How do you not get this?
I see a difference between what's "allowed" and what's simply accepted with a shrug because it's too difficult to police and business is good.

Frankly, I'm not that fussy about cards for my personal collection. You can soak them, spray them, glue them, tape them, roll them, dip them, or touch them up with crayon. But I respect that other collectors might not feel that way. If I know something's been done to one of my cards that might make a prospective buyer/trader uneasy, I'll disclose it.

Originally Posted by Snowman View Post
Do you also call people a fraudster for not revealing the fact that they washed their car prior to selling it to you? They didn't tell you because it is widely understood and accepted that cleaning cars is OK.
No, and I directly addressed this earlier. This is a bad analogy because there's no real market for unwashed used cars. There is a large market for unwashed cards that haven't been touched up with mystery spray, even if you think those people are dumb.

Originally Posted by Snowman View Post
If some paranoid schizophrenic decides that they don't want cars to be washed and that anyone doing so without concealing that fact was somehow a fraudster, the world doesn't have to cater to his delusional demands. They just roll their eyes, laugh at him and move along to someone living in the real world.
In a far-fetched scenario where you know I'm in the market for a dirty car and you sell me a washed one anyway without disclosing it... yes, I'm comfortable calling you a fraudster.

All that said, I'm an imperfect being. I probably wouldn't lose sleep at night if I trimmed a card to 50/50 perfection, fuzzied the corners a bit to bring it to that PSA 4-5 sweet spot, snuck it through their alteration detectors, and sold it to you at 500% comps. You'd be happy as a clam and I'd have money in my pocket.

It's not actually fraud if we all look the other way, right? Trees falling in the forest and such.
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