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Old 01-08-2024, 04:38 PM
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Rhotchkiss Rhotchkiss is offline
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Originally Posted by JimC View Post
A reasonable position that even we crazy collectors cannot dispute, defy it though we may. A tougher question I think is when you have a beloved card (or comic or coin . . . ) that you bought for 10 thousand that then skyrockets to 100 grand. Logically, if 100K is too much to have in a collectible then it's too much whether you paid 100K or not. But I don't think our brains always work that way.
Great point Jim. Put differently, if one cannot fathom spending $100k on a card, then if/when a card one owns becomes worth $100k, they should sell; and expect there are a number of people out there in this boat given where prices have gone in the past few years
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