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Old 12-23-2023, 06:36 PM
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E.ric Bau.mh0er
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Originally Posted by cgjackson222 View Post
Given how brutal being a catcher is on the body, I think that catchers should not be expected to have the same numbers as other position players to make the HOF.

When compared with other catchers, Munson is about the 12th best catcher ever not including Negro Leagues, and the top 11 are all in the HOF except Mauer.

Add in the fact that Munson played really well in the postseason, batting .373 in 3 World Series, was a strong fielder, and a leader in the clubhouse of a winning squad, and I think he is a good candidate.

I think there are a bunch of borderline HOF catchers--Munson, Posey, Molina, Schang, Tenace, Freehan and Posada, to name a few. I think Munson is as good a candidate as any.

I will be a little annoyed if Molina or Posey make it in before Munson.
Thank you
I think a catcher is the most valuable player on the field ,
Physically and mentally demanding - a leader and a coach On the field , Involved with every single pitch of the game and he’s The only player that has the umpires ear - pitchers important but a catcher can’t leave the sixth or seventh inning because he’s tired and a good catcher plays most of the games - Should be more catchers in the Hall of Fame
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