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Old 12-23-2023, 01:11 AM
jethrod3 jethrod3 is offline
Join Date: Jul 2022
Posts: 307

One grievance that I think many of us have in common is this: You bought a few packs of cards for a dime when you were 10 years old, because you liked cards and thought they were cool but never dreamed they could be considered an investment or work of art. You kept that card in a cigar box with other cards you bought (for who knows how much money!!) at a flea market, to keep them in good shape. Flash forward 50 years and a few cards in that stash are worth $5,000 each, so you want to sell them. But then you realize that you're going to have to pay taxes on cards you probably used your hard-earned money (as a little kid) to pay sales tax on in the first place! Unfortunately, that now-grown kid hasn't got a chance in the "feats of strength!!"
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