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Old 12-01-2023, 04:31 PM
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Snowman Snowman is offline
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Originally Posted by Fred View Post
Just thinking out loud. If the cards were equally desirable, then wouldn't the REA card sell for more based on the close date being earlier (one more bidder, the high bidder) removed from the Mile High bidders.

I guess it's really up to whether or not the main bidders have an issue with the presence of the stain on the REA card.

I can only say this - it ain't gonna be me with the high bid for either.
That's not how it plays out in practice though. Sometimes bidders will hold back on the first one because they know there is another one around the corner. They don't want to overspend on the first one and they don't want to inflate the comps for the next one, so they'll bid more conservatively. Then, when the second one drops, they compete more aggressively because they don't know when the next one will come to market and where the market might be on it when it does.
If it's not perfectly centered, I probably don't want it.
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