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Old 11-28-2023, 05:34 PM
Brian Van Horn Brian Van Horn is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
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Originally Posted by rhettyeakley View Post
This means nothing other than in the 1930-40’s those typographical specimens were known in the printing world It says nothing of whether they existed earlier or not. It proves nothing other than your 1970’s disco “theory” was stupid.

I have provided both concrete and circumstantial evidence based upon subject matter, teams, a full timeline of production where these cards all line up exactly right which would have been unknown to even the best fraudster.

You are grasping as straws and have nothing left. Every theory you have had has been debunked. You are simply being a clown at this point and half of me believes you are doing it on purpose to punk everyone (actually that is the most favorable reason I can think of what you are doing as the alternative is that you really are this thick headed)
I respectfully disagree.

A fraudster with knowledge would have a ball with the fraudulent Herpolsheimer set.

The dealer said the cards were made in the 1970's which means he knew about their creation. Can't get around it. They reminded me of a disco dance floor which I agree disco was moronic. LOL!