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Old 11-11-2023, 03:20 PM
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Originally Posted by Peter_Spaeth View Post
How do you know?
Betsy told me directly that sales only get posted once they get paid for. I also have a few friends who work there, and we've had these discussions multiple times. When a crazy sale happens, I try to get the inside scoop on whether or not it gets paid for. Whenever one doesn't get paid for it doesn't show up on their sold listings search results. Also, as I consigner, I can confirm this to be the case. I've had two cards not get paid for there since they launched their platform (and dozens that were paid for). As soon as a card gets paid for, I can see a change in my accounting page and then I can find it in their sales history page. But for the cards that went unpaid, they never showed up on the sales history page (I know because I kept checking because I was relying on those proceeds to fund another big purchase).

Is it possible that someone high up at PWCC could manipulate the system and fake a sale through a manual override? Sure, it's possible. If someone has direct access to the database, they could create an entry. But that's not how their system is set up by default. And I don't see any reason to assume that this is happening without evidence. And seeing a sale that seems high in retrospect, but which actually aligns perfectly with where the broader market was at the time, is not evidence.
If it's not perfectly centered, I probably don't want it.
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