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Old 10-12-2023, 10:43 AM
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Originally Posted by Cozumeleno View Post
I'm such an idiot. Wagner batting is only seven points, not ten. I'm missing Joe, Wagner Batting, and Stahl -- 32 points missing from the 250 target. So 218 is indeed my total. You should probably leave it as 215 as a penalty for my stupidity.
Don't be so hard on yourself Anson. If this was the T206 Monster # we were dealing with, where practically every card is worth just one point, then I would get worried. The Kraken demands intense, intricate computation and constant vigilance, and slipups are not only expected, but to some degree should be means your journey has been fraught with a boatload of danger, but in spite of this you have still made much progress across turbulent seas.

Thus, for the time being, 218 you are and shall be.

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