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Old 09-30-2023, 09:26 PM
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Casey2296 Casey2296 is offline
Is Mudville so bad?
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Originally Posted by molenick View Post
That is horrible. I was trying to figure out a way to make this work for both the set and the individual cards where there is lot-by-lot closing.

The only way I can think of is that the timer for the set and all the cards in the set has to be the same.

If a bid is placed on the set or any card, the timer resets for every card in the set and the full set.

It sounds annoying but I think that is the only way it is fair to both the set bidder (as we have seen) and the individual card bidders (because they could bid after their lot would have normally closed if they could now "beat" the set based on later bids on other cards).

Also, each lot involved needs to clearly state if the set or the individual cards are winning and what the aggregate individual total is vs. the full set bid.

I may not be explaining this well, and there may be a better way, but that's the only one I could come up with.
Yes. Much like the fine art world HA should have had a direct line to Powell and other set bidders keeping them updated as the auction progressed and allowed them to spend more money. Common sense says once the AH sets the terms it's their responsibility to manage it. There should have been a proxy representative for any interested set bidders who were communicating every minute in the last half hour and managing the difference between the set/individual delta.
Furchrisakes, the guy is willing to spend 600k plus with your AH you'd think a little personal service would be in order.
I think Powell has a case as the winner, fortunately this is Lichtmans wheelhouse. Unfortunately if he wins folks like Aaron lose through no fault of their own, nice pick up Aaron btw.
Now it's a mess, losers would be Powell, single bidders, consigners, etc.
Phil Lewis
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