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Old 08-31-2023, 10:35 AM
steve B steve B is offline
Steve Birmingham
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: eastern Mass.
Posts: 8,198

That's the fun of it Pat. That there's room for alternate ideas and we can discuss them and disagree.

I do think that the larger sheet idea is a fading one.
Originally using Scot Rs ideas on production numbers and the sheets/hr rate of 1910 presses, I thought a much larger sheet was most likely (after a brief flirtaton with the idea of a much smaller sheet with only 12 subjects, now almost certainly wrong)

But the scratches have paid off wonderfully. something I'll make a second reply about.
The things that would prove a gap between sheets are incredibly unlikely to turn up. Horizontal miscuts with a big left or right margin, an uncut fragment with that gap. Not happening.
A card that fits that gap? Should have turned up by now. It's absence is probably the most convincing argument against.

And the possibility of multiple printers makes the math requiring near constant production OR a very large sheet not work so well.
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