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Old 08-01-2023, 08:44 PM
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Casey2296 Casey2296 is offline
Is Mudville so bad?
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Originally Posted by Leon View Post
They read the boards and have common sense. Next year there is a new management group Joe Drelich, Brian Coppola and Jim Ryan are taking over. Joe (hi Joe) has posted on the forum many times, generally concerning The Philly Show, which he's run for several years.
They spoke at the Net54baseball banquet. I think they hear collectors, and dealers, loud and clear. All 3 of the directors have run big shows before, so I am very hopeful. That said, the show must have been 2x as big, physically, than last year. It was monstorous . There are a million moving parts, it seems.
Here is an article most have probably already seen...if not, well, here ya' go.

I thought it was great you had them as Speakers (not Tris), job well done. I produced a Music Festival for 25 years, what I learned was the two most important things were product, in my case music, and customer experience.

It's not rocket science, it's a mathematical logistic hierarchy, start at the end and work your way back, the map will show you what needs to be done 3,6,9,and 12 months out. Worked out well, my timeline spreadsheet was dialed after a few years.

One thing I always did every year and would suggest the producers do is put yourself through the customer experience.

Stand there and see what it's like to get into your venue, is it efficient and kind?
Try to navigate your layout. Is it frustrating or pleasant?

Get yourself fed/hydrated at your event. Timing/quality/accessibility? Understand it's disrespectful and humiliating to make people sit on the floor to eat.

Go take a shit in the bathrooms your event represents. Sit on the seat, wipe your ass with the TP if there is any, and report back.

AC? Was never an issue for me as an outdoor event(curse you rain) but I'm amazed that the National would put up with any mechanical snafus, you're bringing a lot of economic dollars to the table, I would demand the City and Union shitheads make sure my folks were well conditioned and comfortable to spend money.

Too many people?
First thing I would do to adjust to a sell out is raise ticket prices and turn people away. Believe me it's the best Pavlovian response to profitability.
And make sure your dealers/product are taken care of, the better the product the cheaper the price. Get rid of the museum guys and give them incentive to sell baseball cards, free space with gross sale limits, etc..

This stuff isn't hard imo, it's just a lot of hard work with the right priorities. As a logistics guy I'm available for consultation and will take my pay in 1914 Cracker Jack cards.
Phil Lewis
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