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Old 07-18-2023, 05:57 PM
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brianp-beme brianp-beme is offline
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After peer review I reviewed the list I had posted, and noticed I had also listed card #162 in both Group C and Group E. Group E is correct, so I removed 162 from Group C list.

So my original total of cards for Group B has changed to 36 (from 35), and Group C has changed to 34 (from 35). So my fun little playing around with possible 56 card sheets based on font size has changed as well, which I changed on the original post and have also included it below:

If my font estimations are accurate (I am likely to be off some), here are possible print run groupings that would add up to a sheet size of 56

Group A (6), Group C (34), Group E (11), Group G (5) = 56

Group B (36), Group D, (16), Group F (4) = 56


Group A (6), Group C (34), Group D (16) = 56

Group B (36), Group E (11), Group F (4), Group G (5) = 56


Last edited by brianp-beme; 07-18-2023 at 06:00 PM.
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