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Old 05-14-2023, 02:04 AM
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brianp-beme brianp-beme is offline
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5) Is there evidence for the 1909 issue date of E95 generally prescribed? What is it?

To me, because of a few players in the E95 set, I would think that early 1910 is likely a more accurate time frame of production for this issue.

--Cy Morgan, shown as an A's player, was purchased from the Red Sox by the A's on June 5th, 1909. He had 2 wins, 6 losses for the Red Sox in 12 games, and for the rest of the year with the A's in 28 games went 16 and 11 with 1.65 ERA.

So because of Morgan, it appears that the earliest this set was created would likely be August of 1909 (to allow Cy to show his stuff and earn his spot in the set).

--Fred Merkle, despite his infamous 'bonehead' play in a crucial September 1908 game, was really a bit player in both 1907 and 1908, with just 88 at bats total for those two years, while in 1909 he hit .192 in 236 at bats, hardly something to warrant inclusion in a 25 card set. In 1910 he came into his own, playing full time and hitting at a .291 clip.

So definitely leaning toward an early 1910 production date, and a possibility after the start of the season.

--Vic Willis, shown with the Pirates, was sold by Pirates to the Cardinals on February 15, 1910.

Because of Willis though, I see March as a likely end date for the E95 set being produced, as the makers obviously didn't stop the presses to change team designation on the Willis card.

So my educated guess, based upon the designations and career circumstances of these three players, I would believe the E95 set was an early 1910 production.

But it could be as early as August 1909, but Merkle makes me think it would be later, possibly as late as spring 1910.


Last edited by brianp-beme; 05-14-2023 at 02:04 AM.
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