Thread: For seniors
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Old 05-10-2023, 09:40 AM
Hankphenom Hankphenom is offline
Hank Thomas
Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 2,590
Default Hope I'm still enjoying it on the day I die

1) 77 years old, still love hunting for and then looking at and handling my stuff. Why should I cut my love for the hobby short just because I'm getting closer to the end?
2) Over my lifetime, when I needed money I had no trouble selling stuff. When I had money, I loved to buy stuff. If I need money to age more comfortably, I will have no trouble selling stuff.
3) My heirs will have to deal with a bunch of stuff they can turn into cash fairly easily. I wish I had had that problem to deal with when I was their age. I would have jumped into that challenge with a big smile on my face. If I find the time, I will write some stuff down to make that process easier for them, but I'm not sweating it if I don't. They're smart, and will do just fine.
4) Everyone's situation is different. Live long, prosper, and happy collecting (or not!)
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