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Old 04-29-2023, 03:46 PM
G1911 G1911 is offline McCl.@y
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Posts: 6,622

Brown is a real pain to find. Rodgers is really tough, but seems to exist in greater quantity. I have not seen either with a Miners Extra back and suspect they do not suspect.

It is said they were pulled from production because of their deaths; but this does not appear to stand up to inquiry. Rodgers mentions his death on the back, it was clearly designed after his death was known to the makers and thus makes little sense that they pulled it because of his sudden death - this was known before it was designed, much less issued. The cards of Rodgers and Brown, reading the text of all the backs, mention dates far after the back texts end for the other 22 known subjects. They may have been a later addition not pulled or intended to be SP'd; some T sets have evidence of wave printing within a series and this may reflect that, with SP's resulting because T227 was among the last of the sets as the ATC breakup and redistribution of brands was killing off the lithography partnership here.

If there was a 25th subject actually printed, it has never surfaced publicly.

Miners backs are tougher than HLC, but they are not difficult and readily available for the 22 commons.

Honest Long Cut appears to have 2 back types, a dark black ink and one with a purpley tint. This appears to be a genuine variation from production, albeit one nobody cares about at all.

The Johnson now seems to outsell the non-Cobb baseball players in low grade condition. It gained a lot of value in the Covid runup and after his presidential pardon.

Outside of the baseball players and Jack Johnson, the rest of the non-SP'd cards are all fairly cheap (under $150 in lower grade). Abe Attell is probably the next biggest card, and of interest to some baseball collectors since he helped fix the World Series and was by some accounts the point man of the operation.

They are usually found in low grade as puckpaul said; because many of the cards have a crease at the bottom that seems to come from how some were made to fit into the packaging. This distinctive crease in the same spot is present on a high percentage of examples.

Last edited by G1911; 04-29-2023 at 03:47 PM.
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