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Old 04-27-2023, 07:09 PM
Fuddjcal Fuddjcal is offline
Chuck Tapia
Join Date: May 2009
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Originally Posted by Belfast1933 View Post
This is all very helpful - thx all… I am less interested in buy/sell after a run up in value as I am to not have to spend up considerably later if I choose to add a nice early Mays, like his 51 Bowman.
I feel a card like this is much like your dream home. Can you afford a 30% down payment in the house and area you'd like to live in forever. Can you pay it off in 15 years or less?

Can you afford a card like that without taking away from retirement, kids education, monthly expenses, 10% saved for home repairs annually? is your home paid off? Do you have at least 24 months FU fund in cash? Ifsofatso, now your ready to buy the card at whatever the price. It really won't matter if it's for your collection if you find the card you'll love.

Unless you like to shoot from the hip, gamble with your families future or flip it, LOL.

But seriously, get the card when it's right for you...and then don't look back. GOOD LUCK!
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