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Old 04-18-2023, 03:22 PM
polakoff polakoff is offline
Join Date: May 2014
Posts: 480
Default List of all "big" shows with vintage?

I'm shut out of going to the National this year, and my sister in law's indecisiveness on a birthday party date for my niece is leaving me unable to go to Dallas in July. But, I'm able to use that to my advantage and convince my wife I need to go to one large multi-day show at some point this summer or early fall.

I don't usually travel far for shows, so is there a list (or can someone provide me with one) of all the big shows around? I know of Dallas, Chantilly, Chicago Sportacular, White Plains, and Philly...are there other big ones around? I just want to spend a few days digging through vintage boxes, looking at cool stuff, and seeing some friends.
Author of Inside the Pack blog
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