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Old 04-15-2023, 08:02 AM
Rich Klein Rich Klein is online now
Rich Klein
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Plano Tx
Posts: 4,523

Originally Posted by Brian Van Horn View Post
Simply put, you put on a show and you have a start time. Not an early one. I apologize if I'm sounding rude. It is not intended in this response.
I get what Brian is saying that everyone should be able to get in at the same time for the same price. However, many people are willing to pay more $$$ to be the 1st one in the room and have less competition and bumping into backpacks and pelican cases, etc. for a tour to see if there is anything they want or what they can make $$ on.

And as a promoter who has run shows, if I could have done that, I would have. The Dallas Card Show has various levels of paying from All Access VIP to daily admission fees. You know in advance what the fees are can make those choices.

Heck, even the NSCC has different fees for if you want to be a VIP, a Super VIP, and if you want to just come for a day. Sorry, Brian but that's truly capitalism at work.
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Last edited by Rich Klein; 04-15-2023 at 08:02 AM.
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