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Old 03-16-2023, 07:43 AM
x2drich2000 x2drich2000 is offline
(DJ) Rich.ard.s
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 2,221

I would guess you're naturally a saver when it comes to finances. There's nothing wrong with that. Your hesitation is really just your body's reaction to saying this doesn't feel right. So I would start by asking yourself why am I hesitant about this? Would spending the money make you feel less secure? Does it feel wasteful? Greedy? Would you be resentful of the card? There is a lot of introspective stuff that only you can answer. Having a good friend/spouse that you can bounce your feelings off of without being judged or telling you what to do/not do is a great thing in these situations.

For me, it really depends on what is going on at the time. I always pay cash so if I don't have enough, I don't get it. That includes making sure I have enough set aside that if something else I want more comes up I can still get that as well. Other things I consider is how easily I could recoup my money if I end up not wanting it down the road and what are the chances I'll see the card for sale again. I can also say that the more I've spent on a card the easier it has been to spend that same amount again, but I always have that same hesitation when I spend more than I have before.
Current Wantlist:
E92 Nadja - Bescher, Bridwell, Cobb, Donovan, Doolan, Doyle (with bat), Lobert, Mathewson, Miller (fielding), Tinker, Wagner (throwing), Zimmerman
E/T Young Backrun - Need E90-1, T216 (all versions)
E92 Red Crofts - Anyone especially Barry, Shean, and Evers
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