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Old 03-16-2023, 07:21 AM
Johnny630 Johnny630 is offline
Johnny MaZilli
Join Date: Nov 2015
Posts: 4,178

Originally Posted by theshowandme View Post
Hey folks,

Could use some words of encouragement. I’m staring at a scarce pre-war card that has blown me away.

It’s not cheap (for me at least). It would be the biggest card purchase of my life but I can pay for it in cash today. It doesn’t impact my ability to pay for any current or future bills.

That said, I am still hesitant for some reason and I am not sure why. When I’m buying to later sell, I can justify it much more easily. This one is going to be a very long hold.

What do you tell yourself in moments like this? How do you handle the mental gymnastics?

Any help is appreciated!


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I would not do it unless it's absolutely the RIGHT CARD at a CONSIDERABLE DISCOUNT to it's Real True Value that you can pay for in CASH in PERSON IN OTHER WORDS NOT ON A AUCTION HOUSE OR RETAIL PLATFORM

You Said your hesitant for some reason and are not sure why....all I can say is TRUST YOUR GUT.
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