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Old 02-24-2023, 08:46 AM
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D. Bergin D. Bergin is offline
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Originally Posted by Casey2296 View Post
More than 50 California cities and counties have banned natural gas hook ups in new buildings. So you can have all the gas stoves you want, just no gas.

That's moving the goal posts again. Lack of access to infrastructure wasn't the question up for grabs here. Most people in this country don't have access to direct natural gas hook-ups. I have two hundred gallon/lb propane tanks on my property.

Frankly I'm surprised that full neighborhood gas infrastructure is even allowed in earthquake prone areas. In a previous house we had a drunk driver run over our lawn in a giant pick-up truck during extremely wet conditions the day before we left for a vacation. We got a call a few days later from our dog sitter that a gas leak was noticed by a pedestrian walking by our house emanating from that exact same spot, and our front lawn was being dug up by a road crew to patch up the gas line going to our house.

Thank goodness somebody noticed before something much worse happened.
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