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Old 02-17-2023, 09:20 AM
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Lorewalker Lorewalker is offline
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Originally Posted by G1911 View Post
Again, the claim to fact actually made was true. The previous posters proposal is the exact same as the Jaimet standard that was mocked. 100% the same. My opinion of that is that this standard is poor and unethical.

GMC’s terrific reputation, your bidding practices, anybody’s stupidity or stubbornness, your opinion that a card cannot be called trimmed without before and after photos (I have never seen this as a standard before - I guess I don’t need to disclose a trimmed card since I don’t have B&A’s of trimmed cards I own), are very different points and topics from the claim actually made. You are arguing statements the transcript shows were not ever made.
Not really but you love to argue...I mean I concede.
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