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Old 02-11-2023, 06:17 PM
BillyCoxDodgers3B BillyCoxDodgers3B is offline
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Originally Posted by Bored5000 View Post
I read Chris Rodell's excellent book on Palmer a few years ago and Rodell wrote that Palmer would spend six figures each year of his own money mailing back autograph requests to people that did not include a SASE with their request. At the end of his life, he would sit in his office and sign requests until his hand was so swollen, he could not even close his hand.
I like Arnold Palmer just as much as anyone, but I think these claims supposedly made by the author are contentious at best. Yes, Palmer was a great signer, but spending at least $100,000 per year on return postage for all the people who didn't include an SASE? Give me a break. Most people are aware and courteous enough to cover that cost themselves. Yes, there would be some, and while I don't doubt that Palmer was gracious enough to foot the bill, the costs simply wouldn't have escalated into hundreds of thousands annually!

Don't forget that whenever his hand hurt from signing so much, Arnie could rely on his trusty Autopen.

I haven't read the book from which you've sourced your stories, but I'm guessing it must be filled with even more hot air.
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