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Old 01-28-2023, 08:10 PM
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Is Mudville so bad?
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Originally Posted by BobC View Post
I think he may be referring more to our elected political officials, who are all actual federal employees as well, more so than the everyday workers and people who actually do run our country and make sure it continues properly working and functioning on a daily basis. Meanwhile the elected politicians generally do nothing more than point fingers back and forth, and accuse each other of only looking out for themselves, and generally getting nothing good done on behalf of the MAJORITY OF ALL U.S. CITIZENS.

And as for the person this thread was written about, there is no denying his guilt and that he is responsible and has an obligation to society for what he did. But it is also equally apparent, and true, that he suffers from an actual mental illness, which also needs to be taken into consideration. I do not know how best such a situation should be addressed and handled, but I do realize that our government, laws, and people, often do not want to acknowledge such people exist and the real issues they have, but cannot always deal with solely on their own. And those in power and control seem to more often than not fail to recognize the actual mental illness factors in place, simply dismiss these people and abandon them to a criminal justice system that is ill equipped to handle them and often ends up subjecting them to very inhumane treatment and consideration. In the end, it is very similar to many other situations in our society, like for example how many people/groups treat and look at people who are say gay or lesbian. Those people that are gays or lesbians didn't necessarily volunteer and choose to be that way, but that sure doesn't stop many others from condemning and looking down on them, and even criminalizing and punishing them as much as they can get away with. We humans can be such wonderful, understanding and forgiving people, can't we?
Well said Bob,

My little rant was not directed at hard working, honest, federal employees nor current and former members of the armed services, many of which have made the ultimate sacrifice for our country including my own family members.

Congress on the other hand, with their stellar 18% approval rating, and elected officials who prioritize their own interests over the good of the country disgust me. Why don't we start at the top and fire every Congress person convicted of a felony and not allow convicted felons to run for one of the highest offices in the country. Let's also go after Congress who profits from pre legislation insider trading for profit. And while we're at it let's make them navigate the wonderful healthcare system we have in this country instead of having their own plan. Or how about the greatest country on earth have a clear, concise, energy plan to provide low cost energy to everyone so folks don't have to decide whether to pay their energy bill or eat. Or dismantle the elitist higher education system so everybody, no matter their socioeconomic position can go to college if they want to.

Let's have Congress, who supposedly work for us, rebuild the rungs on the ladder that they dismantled and allow American Citizens to move from lower class to upper middle class within a generation or two.

I could go on but I'm ranting again and I'd rather talk baseball cards...
Phil Lewis
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