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Old 12-06-2022, 02:37 AM
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Originally Posted by G1911 View Post
Yes, but the evidence is a bit more than just calling her testimony into question. He said consensual, she said rape. She looks perfectly fine, happy and unharmed in the videos she filmed in his bedroom while he was asleep shortly after, she later alleged, he violently raped her. Their documented communications did not appear to be anything but a consensual sexual relationship. She continued to happily meet up with him for more sex. She asked him, in writing, to slap her and give her "all the pain" during said sex, in communications that are publicly available. Her details and narrative changed several times to try and clear up contradictions, creating new ones.

Sexual crimes are bad, beyond the obvious reasons, because it is a crime in private. Many guilty cases are still a 'he says she says' because it was in private. This isn't one of those cases. Her story was directly contradicted by the documentary evidence, and not in the small details. She asked him to do it, in writing, and came back for more. He did it. That's not rape. Bauer is guilty of partaking in a kind of sex some may not enjoy and of spitting some bad lines in those texts, but all of the actual evidence suggests the charge is a lie. Which is a tragic shame all around, Bauer will live with a presumption of guilt from much of the public for the rest of his life because the media found him guilty before seeing any evidence, and every time we have one of these cases and the media latches onto it and then it turns out to be a big load of fiction, it hurts trust in genuine victims of actual horrible crimes.
Well said. When those videos were posted online, I was shocked. Completely flipped the script for me.
If it's not perfectly centered, I probably don't want it.
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