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Old 10-21-2022, 04:32 PM
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Brian Dalrymple
Join Date: May 2022
Location: Spokane, WA
Posts: 375

Originally Posted by Johnny630 View Post
This is a tough one to say. The number one rule would be at what discounted level you can purchase said card or cards in relation to their true value. Bidding in an auction would not work. A much better chance to accomplish my number one rule would have to be a private deal from a collector. I would stick with Regular Issue Highest Grade Nicest Centered one of these Players, Mantle, Ruth, Mays, Jackie, and Cobb. That’s my best advice.
Personally, no rush and no special intent of how/where to purchase. First is to establish player, era, etc. The above-mentioned names are the usual suspects. Eager though to hear specifics people suggest based on their own bias and opinions.

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