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Old 09-18-2022, 11:13 AM
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David Atkatz David Atkatz is offline
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Originally Posted by Rad_Hazard View Post
Agreed. That’s all the article really tells us: they don’t know so they will err on the side of caution. Which is what I will do by leaving them slabbed because they are worth a ton more and are authentic.
You're "erring on the side of caution," as well?

The HoF says "I'm gonna remove the cards from the slabs because there's a chance--based on the known behavior of some plastics--that chemicals from the plastic will leach into the paper. Better to be safe than sorry."

Sounds pretty cautious.

You say "I'm gonna leave the cards in the slabs because "they are worth a ton more."

Sounds more mercenary than anything else.

You also say a reason for leaving the cards in the slabs is that, that way, "they are authentic." What? If a card is removed does it cease being authentic?
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