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Old 09-12-2022, 12:52 PM
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Lorewalker Lorewalker is offline
Join Date: May 2018
Location: Oakland, CA
Posts: 1,508

I have made it a practice to not take funds that are earmarked for any purpose to use them for another. I have never borrowed formally or informally to fund a card purchase. As I have done with everything in my life, if I want it and have the money for it, I go get it. Plain and simple.

As Leon stated, my cards too are part of my retirement. Until such time as cards become an asset class that are regulated, I would question anyone's judgment who withdraws from a retirement account to fund a card purchase unless it is as a loan and they are as sure as they can be that it can be paid back in the time stipulated.

I have done as well with cards as I have with real estate, over the years but I would never suggest to someone that cards are a better investment vehicle for appreciation than stocks, real estate, etc.
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