Thread: Money and Cards
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Old 08-01-2022, 12:13 PM
jamest206 jamest206 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2020
Location: Colorado
Posts: 270

For me, it is a constant going after whatever looks cool and is fun to hunt. I don't think my wife or four cats will inherit anything, so taking a small loss on something after laying my hands on it isn't too big of a deal. I love really old cards, and they drive my interest in to other things as well. If parting ways with it brings joy to someone who wouldnt otherwise have it, so be it. Losing a little money along the way, no big deal. I am fortunate to be a 43 year old kid, living the dream my dad & grandfathers imagined, probably a little better than they thought.

As long as it looks appealing, or has a good story behind it, my wife loves it. That is the main drive now for me.
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