Thread: I got scammed
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Old 07-10-2022, 07:09 AM
BillyCoxDodgers3B BillyCoxDodgers3B is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 1,747

It's been reiterated to death, but these rules need to be followed when buying on here:

1. Look at member's join date. If they just joined, stay away.

2. Look at member's post count. If the number is small, be careful.

3. If you're still itching to give your money to this person for some reason, ask them for a few hobby references from people you know and trust.

4. Get their full name and address. Do a little internet sleuthing of your own in an attempt to verify that they are who they claim to be.

It's very simple. Unfortunately, this isn't a perfectly secure site which can always be trusted. It's just a hobby website, nothing more. While there may be much in the way of useful information, it's mixed with a lot of misinformation. That's just the nature of the internet, where everyone has a voice, no matter how little or much they know. Each member has to be vetted on an individual basis.
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