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Old 07-06-2022, 07:45 PM
bigfanNY bigfanNY is offline
Jonathan Sterling
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Originally Posted by Fballguy View Post
Fair enough...But I don't see where in his post he said they only tried at the field. All he said was they went way early.

In any event not being empathetic to someone's lament that autograph collecting has gone from the thrill of the chase to big business is extremely odd to me. Especially from collectors of a nostalgia driven sport like baseball. And to openly ridicule it is even weirder.

Then again, some loyal and subservient people just love to defend...whether its incompetent grading companies, internet sales tax, exorbitant buyer's premiums or apparently expensive autographs...just to name a few.
Well Rob He did write specifically that he went when gates opened. ( varies from park to park and year to year but typically 90 minutes to 2 hours) so not what I consider "way early" and as I mention I have done this more than once in my 61 years. You mention you get to NFL park early enough to see players arrive so you know what I mean. So I am not repeat not empathetic to people who expect unrealistic results. Autograph collecting requires patience and research and it always has as far as I know. And to me the experience of a road trip with my kid or kids to an All star game is a pricless memory. But I understand not everyone sees it that way. But to cloud your memories of such a great day with bitterness towards the business of Baseball seems sad.
I personally collect sports items mostly because of the happy memories I have. Sure sometimes I scoped out a spot got there early only to have a player walk by and not sign my item. But I learned long ago no one else owes me anything. No Athlete owes me an autograph.Athletes are asked for autographs all the time by lots of people. Players just cannot sign for everyone so if they sign for me I still say thank you when I get an autograph, even if I am paying for it. Because I am grateful for their time and effort to sign my item. I have found a little patience and gratitude make things easier all around. So even though I know certin big name athletes are very difficult to get to sign in public I understand and I let it go.
What all this has to do with subservient people defending internet sales tax etc. I dont know. I am sorry if you have been the victom of incompetent grading compinies, internet sales tax, exorbitant buyers premiums, apparantly expensive autographs..just to name a few. Not joking here it sounds like you have been hurt and while I am not empathetic to people with unrealistic expectations. I am empathetic to folks that are hurt or hurting because in some ways we all are.
Something that has helped me is the following God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change and the courage to change the things I can.
Safe travels Rob
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