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Old 07-06-2022, 09:30 AM
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Joe M.
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Originally Posted by T205 GB View Post
Think of all the packs through the years that have had errors, wrong backs/fronts for series, wrong backs/fronts for sport, wrong issues, wrong series, and so on inserted into the pack. It happens a lot today so I am sure it happened in the past as well. I believe there was some Topps issues in the mid 70's that had wrong cards issued in the packs with the correct ones. I want to say 76-77? May be another isolated incident like the 50's cards. Maybe a person at Topps said the hell with it and loaded up their last 52's in the packaging machine with the new 53's and let it rip. Probably thought they were helping Topps make money instead of disposing of them. Add now that they may have went to Canada to be distributed and someone is not going to care about a case or two of cards. You can figure the average American sentiment in the early 50's was FU to every country other than America. Very plausible scenario but without real proof we only have a guess.

Anyone ever think the store owners would open and then reseal the packs with other cards so they could keep the best ones?
I don’t think store owners were interested in the baseball cards. They were just trying to make a living. So, no,to open &resealing packs to get the best cards.
"Ty Cobb, Spikes Flying"

Collecting Detroit 19th Century N172, N173, N175.
N172 Detroit. Getzein, McGlone, Rooks, Wheelock, Gillligan, Kid Baldwin Error, Lady Baldwin, Conway, Deacon White

Positive transactions with Joe G, Jay Miller, CTANK80, BIGFISH, MGHPRO, k. DIXON, LEON, INSIDETHEWRAPPER, GOCUBSGO32, Steve Suckow, RAINIER2004, Ben Yourg, GNAZ01, yanksrnice09, cmiz5290, Kris Sweckard (Kris19),Angyal, Chuck Tapia,Belfast1933,bcbgcbrcb,fusorcruiser, tsp06, cobbcobb13
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