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Old 05-01-2022, 07:05 PM
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Lorewalker Lorewalker is offline
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Originally Posted by Snowman View Post
The recent REA auction getting extended for an entire day was an absolute bullshit move. I was high bidder on multiple listings at the time. The site was down for a few minutes. Maybe 10 minutes max. But then they kept draggin it on for hours while communicating to us buyers that we would have just 10 more minutes to put in our final bids. So they were squeezing every bit of juice they could out of it. Then after all of us were kept up for hours, checking our listings, they decided to extend it another day. It was absolutely a shitbag thing to do to the buyers and was 100% a money grab. Well, it worked. They got a lot more money (this time anyhow). But the lost a consigner in the process. I had 75k worth of cards that were previously heading their way, but are now going to Heritage instead.
In speaking with others who were bidding in that auction, this was their beef too. The connection might have been slow at various points but bids were being placed frantically, lots remaining open, bids being placed on them again for a considerable amount of time and then a notice sent that it was being extended after many people went all in to win. I have two friends who bid with REA and spend a good deal of money there who claim they will not be bidding again and have told the owner. Personally I think they will but I get how frustrating that must have been.
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