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Old 04-20-2022, 04:09 PM
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Tabe Tabe is offline
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Spokane, WA
Posts: 1,416

The hobby has definitely morphed but I don't agree that the interactions are worse necessarily. They're just different. When you're posting in groups and so forth, you're going to get feedback in a way that simply wasn't possible 30 years ago. And, yes, some of that feedback will be negative. I can tell you that, with one exception, the interactions I see in my Facebook groups are generally polite and not annoying - even when giving negative feedback.

The one exception I see is people ignoring what people are asking for in posts. "Looking for Mac Jones Autos, no college jersey stuff" and then 90% of the responses will be non-autos or college jersey cards. That's annoying.

To me, it feels like a lot of the complaints I see about behavior are just complaints because things are different than they used to be.
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