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Old 04-12-2022, 10:17 PM
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Originally Posted by BobC View Post
Thanks Rich, didn't even realize there was a Fanatics connection as well. I've said several times on the forum now that I think CSG is going to be a lot bigger player in card grading than many expect. And now they are connected with both Topps (through Fanatics) and Ebay. You watch, I wouldn't be shocked if down the road CSG starts grading Topps cards right from the factory, maybe being sold by/through Fanatics. They've already got an inside track on raw cards sold on Ebay. If they play it smart, they could up end jumping in front of all the other TPGs and not just authentic cards on Ebay, but offer to grade and encapsulate them as well. Would end up stealing potential customers from all the other TPGs that buyers may have thought about sending their raw cards to for grading otherwise. And I think PSA fully realizes they have a potential up-and-coming serious competitor on their hands.

Things like that Marx company bankruptcy aren't helping them either. Still waiting to hear exactly what PSA is going to do with those Marx submitted cards they're holding, and if they are going to grade them for free now, or not. Have heard/seen conflicting stories. Even though that Marx situation isn't directly their fault, PSA is still going to be viewed by many as indirectly responsible for at least some of this whole Marx situation. They don't need any bad publicity with someone like CSG looking to catch up to them. Will be interesting to see what, if any, new ideas, plans, or measures PSA might initiate in the coming months/years in an attempt to fend off and counter what CSG is doing.

That was sort of my thought when eBay started with the Authenticity Guarantee. For consumer protection as well as a revenue generator, the day could come where cards over a certain price will have to be graded in order to be listed. eBay could make a sweet deal to sellers to get their cards slabbed for less money and less time than their competitors are able to do.

I did not know, or maybe I forget, that Fanatatics and Blackstone were involved with CSG as well as eBay. That is serious money. I am all in favor of competition. PSA has never really had any and you can see what that has lead to.

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