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Old 01-26-2022, 05:20 PM
Carter08 Carter08 is offline
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Originally Posted by irv View Post
"1818 cases of FULLY vaccinated in the hospital compared to 752 in the unvaccinated"
"232 cases of FULLY vaccinated in the ICU compared to 206 in the unvaccinated"
"3805 cases today of FULLY vaccinated compared to 801 in the unvaccinated"

I wonder what all of the fully vaccinated, who spent time in the hospital, (since there are never any interviews with these fully vaccinated individuals), think of the vaccines now?
Were they willing to play Russian Roulette and take their chances or were they just like Geraldo Rivera who thought once vaccinated, they would be immune/protected like all the previous vaccines did?

"GERALDO RIVERA: I have. I have. I'm in my basement cave by Greg where I've been basically living. You know, I am -- I am vaccinated to Moderna shots, then boosted with the Pfizer booster. You know, I thought for sure that I was immune. I've been very hard on the unvaccinated as Dana suggests.

I eat some humble pie in that regard because I went to Key West, Florida with my family on vacation and guess what. I came back with a scratchy throat. I insisted I didn't need a test because I was vaccinated and boosted. Then, Erica my wife insisted. So, a couple of days by the time we finally got the appointment I take the test. Erica's negative and I am positive.

It was shocking to me. It was in some ways embarrassing. I didn't quite know how to respond to it. So I did what I usually do. I went on twitter, but yes. You know, it's very frustrating. I think that to spare the president undue criticism, I think that what he should really be criticized for is the ruthless treatment of Donald Trump by Joe Biden regarding testing. You know, Trump had problems with testing but nothing of the colossal order of this magnitude.
You’ve spent enough time on this that i assume you know those numbers don’t support your argument. In a hypothetical population of 1000 if 900 are vaccinated and 100 are unvaccinated and then 26 vaccinated people and 25 unvaccinated people wind up on the ICU, please get vaccinated.
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