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Old 01-06-2022, 04:26 PM
ClementeFanOh ClementeFanOh is offline
Join Date: Jul 2017
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Default PEDs

Peter- No, swing and a miss. The modern players in question have enjoyed
fame (and infamy) and a TON of money, so the word "punish" seems a bit
of a reach, yes? The voters have "punished" them and, frankly, I'd be
stunned if many of them aren't laughing all the way to the bank. This isn't
a question of moral superiority, either. Put away all the debate and just
look at the stat lines! And, dare I say it, trust your eyes- LOOK at the
players and their metamorphosis. There is no question that these guys
engaged in a prolonged and deliberate series of MLB prohibited
"enhancements"- substantial ones- so they could claim a cherished
record that they couldn't possibly achieve on their own talent. Naturally,
fans have their favorites. I was 30 during the fake home run chase of
1998, the prime of fandom, and I don't miss those dudes a bit... Finally, I
don't hate these guys, I just find them desperate and pathetic. These are
not terms I associate with prospective HOF members. Trent King
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