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Old 10-22-2021, 06:03 PM
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Originally Posted by Republicaninmass View Post
The FBI and Ebay must just be picking on them. Ebay you claimed it was because they were starting their own "platform". Which a board member pointed out to you it was just going to be items for sale. Once they were

kicked off all of a sudden became auctions. Curious if you know if they were they also going into investigations so the FBI began investigating them? Maybe it was just background checks so they could become private investigators?

I'm not sure why they are drawing all this attention, but think I'll steer clear, despite proof of any wrong doing. I guess OJ was actually proven innocent too. He must just be "wrongly accused, and worth doing business with" in snowman's book of integrity.

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You seem to want to project conclusions onto me. You're not understanding what I keep saying. I don't know what happened. I have zero insider knowledge. I also don't believe anyone else here knows what happened either. Again, I'm agnostic.

My point about eBay potentially wanting to tarnish PWCC's reputation isn't me pretending to know what is happening. It's just a counterpoint to the arguments that you guys keep making where you pretend to know that eBay has proof of PWCC themselves engaging in shill bidding, or that the FBI is pressuring eBay into this decsision. Sure, both are plausible, but you don't know that to be true, and it certainly cannot even be assumed from the wording of the email they sent out. You are the one claiming you know what happened here. Not me. Again, I remain agnostic, but I point out that there are other legitimate possibilities in play, and that eBay coming after a competitor is certainly one of them. eBay has a strong track record of coming after their competition. This is not some far-fetched conspiracy theory. It is one of many plausible explanations. That's all I'm saying.
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