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Old 06-20-2021, 08:15 AM
MikeGarcia MikeGarcia is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 1,816
Default Close-ending auctions

Originally Posted by irv View Post
He is not the only one who does that. I emailed another popular seller one time asking them why their auctions ended so close to each other and their answer made sense. They said, with the amount of cards they have, if they staggered them more, it would take too much time for their auctions to end.
The only thing one can do is to pre-bid their max prior to the auctions ending and hope they stick.

...yes , that was what made me hire a professional "sniping" service to do the bids for me at the last 10 seconds , which would have been physically impossible for me and my ancient big old tower box on the floor plus the lag time on the phone line ( "dial-up" they calls it )....I figure my EZ Sniper program has gotten me literally dozens of cards which I never could have won on my own in E-Bay's auction bidding system when a group of cards I want all end at exactly ten P M on a Sunday night.............those notorious "set breaks" were the worst scenarios ; they're not a problem anymore....

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