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Old 06-15-2021, 08:59 PM
Roland 49 Roland 49 is offline
Join Date: Feb 2021
Posts: 1,071

Jake, this morning I had little time, but before leaving my house I see in one of the places where I keep my collections the Alert and Newton folders together and as I have the complete collections I looked for Trouppe and I photographed him with my mobile, but I did not have time to look for more, tomorrow after I return home, I will look for more things, I plan to start with the card collections, it is possible that I have a contract, photos etc. I will tell you that when you started this thread I saw it, but I had no intention of seeing it again, yesterday I saw that it was at 0, no one had commented, and I decided to put my comment thinking that maybe something could help you, when I downloaded the photo of Trouppe , after 3 minutes they sent me a message asking me to put the photos in my 2 threads and I have done so, Jake Are you interested in knowing about any other player who was in Cuba? Rolando greets you.
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