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Old 06-04-2021, 04:00 PM
carlsonjok carlsonjok is offline
Jeff Carlson
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Norman, OK
Posts: 582

Originally Posted by egri View Post
I'm sure if we dug deep enough we could find something on Ben Franklin, Ulysses Grant and Abraham Lincoln as well.
Uhh, you don't need to dig very deep in regard to Franklin. He was reputedly quite the libertine during his time as ambassador to France.

Having said that, I don't get destroying a card.

I mean, do get not wanting to reward despicable characters. In terms of those that still alive, this would normally take the form of a boycott with the intent of not having your hard earned dollars ending up in their pocket. In terms of historical figures, like Chase or someone like Nathan Bedford Forrest, you obviously can't harm/withhold reward from them, but you can refuse to participate in their celebration and work to balance the hagiography with truth. Destroying a card being held in a private collection really doesn't do any of that. It just seems...performative.
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