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Old 04-14-2021, 10:29 AM
Hankphenom Hankphenom is offline
Hank Thomas
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Originally Posted by ooo-ribay View Post
I'm pleased (I think) to add this atrocious New York pennant. It joins its ugly SF sisters. As I was putting the blue SF pennant back in it's sleeve, I noticed it is more of a fabric than a felt. Same with the spine, although you may not make that out from my photo. I’m not sure if this is what Greg calls “cloth” because it still seems like felt. Do we know who made these atrocities? My powers of recall are not up to those of Mark and Greg. I would say the thin tassels are an identifying characteristic.

The seller of the NY pennant originally had it on ebay for $350. He came down to $300 and then $250. I offered $150 and he said he was firm at $200. I hit him again at $175 and he accepted. He then wondered why I had only sent $150. I told him I had sent $196 to cover the price the tax and the shipping. He was not aware we don't call it "feebay" for nothing!
Any of the prolific pennant collectors here want to attempt a summary of the different materials used over the past century or so of pennant manufacture, including approximate dates of usage and which companies used what material, with illustrations?
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