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Old 03-06-2021, 12:51 PM
Roland 49 Roland 49 is offline
Rolando Sánchez
Join Date: Feb 2021
Location: Habana Cuba
Posts: 1,110

Hello Octavio, now I see that you read the thread, I will tell you something more about the Hall of Fame of Cuba, in his first election they were 10, the first one that appears on the plaque is Bustamante, Jose Mendez, Cristobal Torriente, also Marsan, Almeida etc. , the first plaque was made of bronze and was placed in the Estadio de la Tropical, when the Great Stadium of Havana was inaugurated it was replaced by a marble plaque, and every year the names of the new members were included in bronze letters, that plaque was restored a few months ago along with another plaque of the players who went to the War of Independence of 1895, this plaque was inaugurated in 1948, on December 29, 2020, in an act to celebrate the date of "Dia del Baseball "were unveiled on one of the walls of the Estádium, and after the restoration they recovered all their splendor, that day 29, the date of the first" Official Game "is commemorated when Habana and Almendares inaugurated the first Cuban championship with a game. in 187 8.
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