Yet another 1961 Yankees Old Timers gft Polaroid Camera and Case!
This one for Red Rolfe.
Collector of all things Ripken, Yankees, 1958.
Successful transactions with:
300dw123, autograf, bn2cardz, buymycards, CobbvLajoie1910, Daves_resale_shop, frankbmd, GoCubsGo32, GoldenAge50s, GrayGhost, Head928, Jayworld, jdl860, jgmp123, kamikidEFFL, larrie804, Leerob538, lharri3600, Lordstan, megalimey, Orioles1954, quinnsryche, Redleg25, rjackson44, Rob D., SAllen2556, scmavl, slantycouch, slipk1068, Smanzari, TCMA, thetruthisouthere, Wolfgang427, yanks12025, ZackS