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Old 09-30-2020, 03:11 AM
Volod Volod is offline
Join Date: Dec 2009
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Posts: 1,078
Default A century of frustration...

This thread seems to have evolved into an open-ended discussion, so my two cents shouldn't offend anyone. The identity of the "mystery" team in question seems apparent. As a Cleveland sports guy, I can easily empathize with any fans of other American League teams that have suffered at the hands (bats, gloves, sign-stealing techniques, etc.) of the most successful team in the league over the past century. My team has appeared in a total of five World Series in that time and lost three of them. Not counting the St. Louis Browns history, the OP's favorite franchise has appeared in six WS and won half of them. The Orioles have lost just twice ('96 and '12) in postseason play to the Pinstripes. We don't need to go into the history of that dasdardly topdog organization, but two of its other long-time punching, opponents, seem to have a stronger claim to Gotham envy than O's rooters: The White Sox have triumphed in just one of the last 100 WS played. Likewise, the Washington Senators - no relation to the current champ Nats - while winning just one and losing two WS in the first forty years of the last century, managed to win two out of three WS appearances in their reincarnation as the Twins. Minnie supporters have, however, suffered more greatly under the NY yoke than other AL teams in recent competition - losing six times in post-season play since 2003. So, maybe the upshot of all this BB angst is - why do Twinkie fans suffer in silence here?
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