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Old 07-24-2020, 10:17 PM
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1880nonsports 1880nonsports is offline
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I can tell you from personal experience that those labels faded from exposure to light. I've had a few in my collection and reviewed others. I've also seen examples sold on feeBay. It would be natural to assume the associated cards would have been affected to some degree as well, whether immediately discernible or not. Photo cards and chromo cards would be most susceptible. Hard to tell what goes on in a casket - chemicals in the plastics and unknown reactions with the cards may eventually render the contents valueless or not. Light is paper's enemy - primarily a reaction with chlorine and other particulates in air. Obviously some conjecture here on my part as I just glanced at a few pix. Hopefully if there's a problem with cardboard tombs - my graded cards won't turn to dust in the next 25 years or so.
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