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Old 07-10-2020, 06:46 AM
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Br.ent !ngr@m
Br.ent Ing@am
Join Date: Mar 2013
Location: Georgia
Posts: 1,104

Kershaw is 49.6 innings behind Koufax.
To match Koufax he would have to do the following over his next 49.6 innings.
Lose 13 games
Give up 39 hits and walk 240 batters.
31 of those hits need to be HR's
Give up 96 Earned Runs, resulting in a nifty 17.12 ERA

And he'd still have more wins and strikeouts than Koufax. Keep in mind the difference of eras too. Koufax played in a pitching era and Kershaw in a hitter's era.
Same number of Cy Young Awards. Kershaw has 7 top 5 finishes in the award voting, Koufax has 4.

Maybe we tend to honor the baseball from the past more because we dig vintage baseball cards. But the numbers don't lie, Kershaw is better than the left arm of God.
Tiger collector
Need: T204 McIntyre
Monster Number 519/520

Last edited by brewing; 07-10-2020 at 06:48 AM.
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