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Old 06-13-2020, 05:33 AM
gawaintheknight gawaintheknight is offline
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Is it your position that gun laws are the only laws criminals don't obey? Because if your point is that criminals don't obey laws, it would seem to follow that we should not bother passing laws against murder, robbery, arson, jaywalking, etc. because criminals won't obey those either. And the same political party that argues that we can't stop gun ownership with laws seems to think that we can stop drug use and abortions with laws, although that may not be your position.

Also, there are many many cases of people who were not previously criminals committing offenses with guns - for example, roommates who have never committed crimes start to argue, the argument escalates, the gun is right there and someone ends up dead. Or people get drunk and someone decides to mess around with a gun - "don't worry, it isn't loaded" - and someone gets shot. Someone forgets to lock a drawer and their child finds their gun and tragedy happens. Many suicides happen because there's a gun that's handy and it seems like a fast and easy way out. None of these people were criminals before the gun was fired. Some of those people would find other weapons - less deadly ones - but not all of them, and the consequences would be less severe. If the gun isn't there, things end differently.

But I acknowledge that this is a pointless argument on my part because over the course of the last few decades the country has been flooded by guns and I don't think there's any realistic way to do anything about that now. We as a society have decided to accept school shootings and mass murders and serial killers in exchange for the "freedom" everyone has to get access to weapons. When Sandy Hook happened and nothing was done I gave up hope for change.

Originally Posted by Mark17 View Post
Criminals do not obey gun laws. Can you understand that if someone will kill another person, they are not going to respect laws that tell them they can't have their gun? For that matter, can you understand such a person is also not going to pay attention to a paper sign on a door that says "Guns not allowed?"

It is incredibly naive to think we can be just like Europe if only we can pass more gun laws. Law abiding people, by definition, obey such laws. Law breakers, by definition, do not. So liberals would have increased restrictions on law abiding people being able to defend themselves, they would weaken law enforcement, while criminals would sit there with big grins on their faces. So much easier to rob, beat, and steal from people when liberals have rendered them utterly defenseless.

18 murders in Chicago just this weekend. Do you really think a few more gun control laws would've prompted those murderers to stop, reconsider, and turn in their weapons instead?
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